Connector Series - Power Automate Zendesk Custom Connector

2019-12-28 | apurvghai | Power Automate |

This article is targeted to users who have hands on experience with power automate. If you have questions about creating connectors, then I suggest you to read Microsoft’s official documentation to familiarize yourself.

Did you know that you can use built-in Power Automate Zendesk connector? Read more..


  • Activate API connection inside Zendesk

    Navigate to this URL You can also read the official article to know more about enabling tokens.

    You should find a switch to enable the token access. Create a token and save it in a secure place.
  • Setup Postman

    I use postman whenever I create custom connectors. This helps with testing the approach and then simplifies the process. Once you’ve created a collection then you can easily use that to upload it. Let’s get on with the steps:

    • Create a get request with Search API Url. Example:
    • Navigate to authorization tab and select Basic Auth. You will need to provide your username (registered email and password (API Token). If you plan to send a base64 encoded token then make sure to send encoded token in this format<< actualtoken >>.
    • Hit send and voila! You have your results.


  • Create a custom connection inside Flow using Postman collection

    Follow this link to understand how to create flow connector using Postman. Once you’ve imported the collection. You will see a similar screen like shown below:


  • Testing your API


    I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please leave your comments below.

    Happy automating! :)

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